Voluntary Action Shetland's aim is to provide flexible and tailored support to third sector organisations and community groups to build the capacity of as many voluntary organisations in Shetland as possible by responding to queries and needs as they arise, and through targeted support and training. Providing the support enables local organisations to run well which supports them to respond and meet local needs/demands.

Some of the key issues staff have supported groups on have been:

  • Identifying appropriate legal structures for third sector organisations and helping groups through the SCIO process and charity registration for both new and existing organisations; Dissolving organisations; Liaising with the charity regulator OSCR.
  • Governance – Modernising constitutions and supporting charitable companies to change their Memorandum and Articles of Associations; Helping groups understand the roles and responsibilities of trustees/directors and recruiting committee members; Advice on establishing policies and procedures (including Equality & Diversity, Data Protection (GDPR), Volunteer Induction etc.); Supporting charities to comply with OSCR regulations (Meeting deadlines for Trustee Annual Reports and Annual Accounts)
  • Queries around electricity costs and suppliers, funding, insurance, bank accounts, financial record keeping, fundraising, health & safety (fire alarms and risk assessment), licensing laws, gambling licenses, trading and VAT.

If you would like to discuss a query please get in touch with Ayesha Huda by e-mailing: [email protected] or by telephone: 01595 743905

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