Voluntary Action Shetland staff who can help with funding are:
Ayesha Huda: 01595 743905 [email protected]
Wendy Hand: 01595 743902 [email protected]
The latest funding newsletters can be found on the resources page.
There are various ways in which Voluntary Action Shetland can help you to find funding for your group.
Voluntary Action Shetland staff who can help with funding are:
Ayesha Huda: 01595 743905 [email protected]
Wendy Hand: 01595 743902 [email protected]
The latest funding newsletters can be found on the resources page.
The Shetland Islands Grant unit within the Council's Community Planning and Development Service, administers a number of grant aid schemes designed to support, enhance and develop the contribution that the community and voluntary sector can make to the quality of life for people in Shetland.
Michael Duncan: 01595 743828 or Elsa Manson: 01595 743827
Grants – Shetland Islands Council
The Council has purchased a one year licence for this website. This site is designed to assist community groups and voluntary organisations to search for funding opportunities. Groups can register to it for free, and once registered you can set up and carry out searches and sign up to funding alerts by following the instructions on the “FAQ” page.
Voluntary Action Shetland (VAS) is the administrator for the Vaila’s Travel Fund. All applications must be made by a suitable third party such as a social worker, school head teacher and third sector organisation or registered charitable organisation.
The government website Applying for funding for community projects provides further information on government and lottery funding.
Big Lottery Website gives information on their programmes and criteria.
SCVO Funding provides guidance on what kind of funds are out there, who is providing them and how to access them, as well as some information on activities that enable self-generation of funds (such as trading) and links to best practice in fundraising.
Scottish Rural Networks Funding Page has links to a number of useful funding sources.
Cash for Culture publication from Voluntary Arts Scotland has been specifically created to help voluntary-led cultural groups navigate the funding landscape.